People Dont Need to Be Afraid Love Again Lyrics

Unrequited Love Songs

Unfortunately, the people you fall in dear with don't always autumn in beloved with you.

And, fifty-fifty if they practice have feelings for y'all, the timing could exist incorrect, the circumstances could be wrong, and there could be more going confronting you lot than there is going for you lot.

It can be hard to let get and to move on even when y'all know that's the best thing you can do.

Music has gotten a lot of people through a lot of situations like these.

Then, allow'south explore 35 songs almost unrequited love we can all relate to.

"You lot Vest With Me" by Taylor Swift

Song yr: 2008

We don't plan who we autumn for.

Taylor Swift's "Yous Belong With Me" is a song virtually falling for a shut friend.

Knowing Swift, this song could exist autobiographical.

The trouble, at least every bit she sees it, is that:

"…she wears short skirts/I wear T-shirts/She'due south cheer helm/And I'm on the bleachers/Dreaming about the day when yous wake upward/And find that what you're looking for has been here the whole fourth dimension."

Friendship is a great starting point for a relationship, merely sadly these types of situations have a way of not working out.

"Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon

Vocal year: 1999

Unrequited dear can leave you feeling aroused.

There'due south a part of you that wants to convince your crush of your goodness.

Only many times, no amount of coaxing and persuading will make a departure:

"He'southward everything yous want/He'south everything y'all need/He'due south everything inside of y'all/That you lot wish you could be/He says all the right things/At exactly the right fourth dimension/Only he ways zippo to you/And you don't know why."

Sometimes, people don't autumn for the people that are correct for them and instead fall for the people that volition terminate upwards pain them and teach them lessons.

Below the shiny veneer of this upbeat popular song lurks a keen deal of frustration.

"To Be With You" past Mr. Big

Vocal year: 1991

It'south easy to forget that this cheery sounding acoustic ballad from the early 90s via hard rock supergroup Mr. Big is indeed a vocal about unrequited love.

It'due south not clear whether things turned out well for the protagonist in the vocal, either.

In many ways, it was Mr. Big's answer to Extreme's "More Than Words" only a twelvemonth earlier.

At the time, it was important for hard stone/pilus metal bands to show their sensitive side, as it gave them access to a new fan base.

Singer Eric Martin later explained that this vocal is a page from his ain book, noting there was a girl he cruel for in high school.

She had a lot of guy bug, and Martin got an earful.

Martin ended upwards liking her and wanted to be her knight in shining armor, but things never quite worked out that way.

"Dearest Stinks" past The J. Geils Ring

Song year: 1980

Information technology doesn't go whatsoever funnier, direct or more than absurd than this vocal:

"You dearest her/But she loves him/And he loves somebody else/You just can't win."

Who hasn't been through something like that?

When love has got you downward, it's better to put this song on and air your grievances.

"All To Myself" by Marianas Trench

Vocal year: 2009

Hither's another catchy pop punk number you may non have identified as a song well-nigh unrequited love.

Only information technology's articulate that the narrator is want for someone he doesn't have.

He's then in his own head that he's starting to hear things no i has even said:

"Did you say delight simply follow me/I thought you wanted me/'Cause I want you all to myself/I tin endeavor and suck it upwards/I but can't suck it up/Make me feel like someone else."

He's also down on himself for his lack of self-confidence in going up to ask for what he wants.

For me, the awkwardness of Jr. high and high school come to heed.

"Every Little Affair She Does Is Magic" by The Police

Song year: 1981

When it comes to "Every Lilliputian Thing She Does Is Magic", people ofttimes recollect the tricky choruses and forget what the poetry or essence of the song is.

When the narrator says, "every piffling matter she does is magic", he'due south from the exterior looking in, wanting to make a motion just unable to do so.

Similar "Every Breath You Have", there'due south an element of creepiness to this vocal.

Yet, we tin all chronicle to admiring someone special from afar.

"Jessie's Girl" by Rick Springfield

Song year: 1981

A unproblematic song almost falling for your friend'due south girl.

People are sometimes surprised past who people autumn for.

Just we tend not to fall for those who aren't in our earth.

We fall for those we regularly interact with, and for amend or for worse, that ends upwardly existence friends, coworkers, community members and so on.

At 1 point or another, every man has wanted "Jessie's Girl", unless of course, he was with her.

"Layla" by Derek And The Dominoes

Song year: 1970

One of the most passionate songs ever written about unrequited love.

As the story goes, guitarist Eric Clapton ended up falling for Beatle George Harrison'southward wife Pattie Boyd, who was also a neighbor.

It seems scandalous by today's standards, only Clapton says this kind of thing happened all the time in the 60s/70s.

So, Clapton concluded up pursuing her.

Here'due south his plea to Boyd in "Layla", one of classic rock's most of import songs:

"Delight don't say we'll never find a way/And tell me all my love's in vain."

In a rare turn of events, Clapton and Boyd ended upward together in real life – great for them.

Information technology'southward a little sad for Harrison, though.

"I Can't Brand You lot Love Me" past Bonnie Raitt

Song year: 1991

A heart-wrenching song about the agonies of unrequited beloved.

These lines are only heartbreaking:

"'Cause I can't make you love me if you don't/You tin't brand your center experience something it won't/Here in the nighttime, in these terminal hours/I will lay down my middle and I'll feel the ability/But you lot won't, no you won't/'Cause I can't make you honey me, if yous don't."

Reportedly, the inspiration for this song came from a human being who got drunk and shot at his girlfriend'due south car.

When asked what he had learned, he said that he learned he couldn't make his girl love him.

And so, while this song may not be autobiographical, it's all the same powerful.

"Vanquish" past Mandy Moore

Broken heart music

Song year: 2001

We've all had crushes.

Unfortunately, at that place's a reason why they call it a "beat out" – you're crushed when it doesn't piece of work out.

In this song, Mandy Moore sings about someone that everyone loves and reveals her own feelings for him:

"Ooh, I got a crush on you/I hope y'all feel the way that I exercise/I get a rush/When I'm with y'all/Ooh, I've got a crush on you/A crush on you."

A simple, cute vocal most a beat.

"Telephone call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

Song year: 2001

This might seem similar an odd pick, simply when you think about it, at no indicate does the protagonist say:

"Nosotros're together now and everything's groovy."

She's fascinated by a guy she comes across and essentially calls it love at first sight (typically a reddish flag, equally attraction is not indicative of a connection, matching interests or a suitable personality type).

However, if you read the lyrics closely, you can encounter that he hasn't said annihilation nigh being into her yet:

"You lot took your time with the call/I took no time with the fall/Y'all gave me nothing at all/Simply still yous're in my style."

Information technology's easy to fall in dear with the thought of honey earlier anything has materialized.

"Teardrops On My Guitar" by Taylor Swift

Song year: 2006

Everybody knows Taylor Swift breakdown songs are a dime a dozen.

We could almost say the aforementioned for her catalog of unrequited dearest songs (I'm being a little facetious here).

Music, of grade, is often a healing agent, something this song hints at:

"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/The just thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star/He'southward the song in the machine I keep singing, don't know why I do."

If you keep dreaming almost someone and can't get them out of your caput, this vocal is for you.

"Shiver" by Coldplay

Song year: 2000

If your dearest has gone unanswered, then surely yous can relate to the sentiment expressed in Coldplay's "Shiver", a song about feeling invisible.

Takes these lines for instance:

"I'll always exist waiting for you/Then you know how much I need yous/But yous never even encounter me, do you lot."

People don't know how much nosotros care – peculiarly if we've never shared our feeling with them.

Of form, that's the scary function.

"Damn Good Friends" by Elle Varner

Vocal yr: 2012

As I mentioned earlier, sometimes yous tin can autumn for a friend.

As the friendship deepens, y'all brainstorm to fright losing that friendship.

"What would happen if we got into a relationship? Would we somewhen break up?"

Those thoughts can't help just cantankerous your mind.

To me, that's what "Damn Practiced Friends" by Elle Varner is all about:

"I long for you/It kills me to pretend/I'chiliad not in dearest when I so am/Just you don't understand/That we're such/Damn good friends."

Fright can hold you dorsum.

"(Can't Live Without Your) Love And Affection" by Nelson

Song year: 1990

When yous love someone and they don't love you lot back, you might end up feeling rejected.

But sometimes you just don't desire to surrender on something skillful.

This vocal is about the latter.

If you've ever felt similar y'all couldn't live without someone'due south love and affection in your life, put on this song to ease your pain.

"Put You In A Song" by Keith Urban

Song year: 2010

No hidden messages in this Keith Urban tune.

At that place's a girl he loves, and he imagines whisking her away in a automobile and writing a song about her.

In that sense, "Put Y'all In A Vocal" might be a tad self-referential:

"Well here you come again and you're lookin' and then fine/You don't detect me but it's alright/I'grand simply a guy who wishes that I could be your man someday/Yeah a moving picture paints a one thousand words it's truthful/Merely information technology's notwithstanding non enough for how I feel nearly you/I wanna put you lot in a melody, I gotta set y'all to a groove."

Who of us can say we haven't felt that manner most someone special?

"Bad Faith" by Frank Body of water

Song yr: 2012

A vocal where the term "unrequited love" is right in the lyrics.

It's clear the narrator is in anguish.

These lines specifically seem to refer to self-damage:

"To me, it'southward nothin' just a 1-man cult/And cyanide in my styrofoam cup."

Unrequited dear tin drive you crazy and this song is in touch with those emotions.

"Can't Fight This Feeling" past REO Speedwagon

Vocal year: 1984

The outset verse says it all:

"I can't fight this feeling any longer/And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow/What started out as friendship has grown stronger/I but wish I had the forcefulness to let it show."

Every bit I've already noted, friendship can quickly evolve into feelings of honey, regardless of your original intent.

Nosotros're not certain how the story ends in this song just it certainly stands every bit a classic ballad about unanswered love.

"Closer Than You Might Believe" past Alanis Morrisette

Song twelvemonth: 1995

A vocal about unrequited love by Alanis?

Hard to believe, but information technology's true.

And, she says information technology meliorate than a lot of other songs do:

"So if the love that yous're chasing after/Is in the heart to be plant in the out of reach/Well, if you intermission it all down/Take a expert look around, yous'd encounter/That it'southward closer than you might believe."

Sometimes we but wish the person we're in dearest with would stop to look around.

To u.s.a., it can appear as though they're chasing problems – especially when we feel like nosotros would exist right for them.

Bang-up tune.

"Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad" by Meat Loaf

Relatable love songs

Song year: 1978

While the get-go verse alludes to unrequited love, this is simply equally much a song about dearest lost, as indicated by these lines:

"I remember how she left me on a stormy night/She kissed me and got out of our bed/And though I pleaded and begged her non to walk out that door/She packed her bags and turned right away."

Then, although the love took shape, ultimately, it didn't last.

But at that place are still plenty of dandy lyrics that will resonate with anybody experiencing the agony of 1-sided love, including these:

"There's simply one daughter I'll ever honey/And that was so many years ago/And though I know I'll never become her out of my heart/She never loved me back."

"Why Don't You Love Me" by Beyoncé

Song year: 2010

No matter how good you are to someone, there are times when they don't recognize the sacrifices you make and the things you practice for them.

As backwards as information technology is, sometimes that's the problem – the fact that we shower them with too much attention.

It certainly doesn't help your situation though, because it tin leave you feeling resentful.

Beyoncé offers upwards these simple questions many tin chronicle to:

"Why don't yous love me?/Tell me, baby, why don't you dear me/When I make me then damn easy to love?/And why don't you need me?/Tell me, baby, why don't you lot need me/When I brand me so damn easy to demand?"

"Why Can't This Be Honey" by Van Halen

Song year: 1986

When "Why Tin't This Be Beloved" was released every bit the beginning single from Van Halen's 1986 album 5150, the fans must accept been caught off guard.

Non simply did it feature the then new lead singer Sammy Hagar, it also put keyboard, rather than the guitar, at the heart of the rhythm section.

While the lyrical content is somewhat cryptic, the repeated line "why tin can't this exist love" has us thinking it's about unreturned love.

We don't know exactly what situation the narrator is dealing with, just it has him saying:

"It's got what it takes/Then tell me why can't this be beloved?/Straight from the heart/Oh, tell me why can't this exist love?"

And so, while information technology's a flake vague, there could exist some unreciprocated feelings going on.

"Creep" by Radiohead

Song year: 1992

I would say this is as much a song virtually being a creep as information technology is a vocal virtually unrequited love.

How can you know information technology'southward unreciprocated if you lot don't even ask?

Of course, getting up the nerve to enquire is the hardest office.

But if you've e'er admired anyone from afar, surely this song will resonate with you.

"You're Beautiful" by James Edgeless

Song twelvemonth: 2005

There's a good chance you never idea of "You're Beautiful" equally a song near unrequited love before.

Then, if you're reading this now, you'll probably never expect at information technology the same way again, because honestly, it'southward kind of creepy.

Accept a look at the starting time verse if yous don't believe me:

"My life is brilliant/My dearest is pure/I saw an affections/Of that I'm sure/She smiled at me on the subway/She was with another man/But I don't lose no sleep on that/'Crusade I've got a programme."

Of course, that "plan" is never revealed in this song, and in the finish, the protagonist admits "I will never be with you."

Editor'due south notation: This is one of my favorite songs about unrequited love.

"Just My Imagination" by The Temptations

Lost love lyrics

Vocal year: 1971

A simple ballad about imagining yourself with that special someone.

My favorite lines are these:

"To have a girl like her is truly a dream come true/Out of all the fellows in the earth she belongs to me/But it was just my imagination/Runnin' abroad with me."

Enjoy the slow groove of "Just My Imagination."

"Hello" by Lionel Richie

Song yr: 1984

This unforgettable classic certainly seems to fit the bill when it comes to unrequited love.

Reportedly, in his younger years, Richie used to be too shy to talk to the beautiful women that walked past him.

Then, the vocal was borne out of this simple phrase:

"Hullo, is it me yous're looking for?"

It took a while for Richie to finish the vocal, but in the cease information technology was worth it.

And, I'm sure Riche isn't the only person that'southward experienced similar torture.

"Stacy's Mom" by Fountains Of Wayne

Song year: 2003

This is quite possibly one of the best popular songs of the early 2000s.

Fountains of Wayne are brilliant in their power to write unforgettable melodic hooks and complex, intelligent lyrics.

Bulletin wise, this, peradventure, is 1 of the more direct songs they've got.

The basic premise is that a young male child is in love with his friend's mom.

Beyond that, there'south no prove to support unrequited love, but yes, there'south a skillful hazard it won't work out besides well for Stacy's friend.

"You Sent Me Flying" past Amy Winehouse

Song year: 2003

Unfortunately, sometimes your crush knows that you're crushing on them, and to add insult to injury, they string y'all along and manipulate you.

It's one matter if your dear goes unanswered – which can be painful enough.

Quite another if the other person uses that to their reward.

This is the painful picture "You Sent Me Flight" by the late Amy Winehouse paints.

These lines are heartbreaking:

"And now I feel and so small discovering you lot knew/How much more torture would you lot take put me through?/Yous probably saw me laughing at all your jokes/Or how I did not mind when y'all stole all my smokes, yeah."

"Sitting, Waiting, Wishing" by Jack Johnson

Song twelvemonth: 2004

Have yous e'er felt like you'd do anything for the person you've fallen for?

Take you been built upward only to be let downward?

Then this song is your unrequited canticle.

"Keep building it up/But and so you lot're shooting me down/Just I'm already downwards/Just await a minute."

"If" by Janet Jackson

Song year: 1993

If yous've ever fantasized about someone you couldn't take, then y'all've captured the essence of Janet Jackson's "If."

You've thought about information technology and you know you could be good for that person, but information technology's just not happening.

It's what can be painful about 1-sided love.

"Surrender" by Billy Talent

Song twelvemonth: 2007

There's no question Baton Talent has ushered forth their own make of melodrama with their music, but when it's every bit expertly executed equally information technology is in this vocal, how can you find error with it?

If you've experienced unanswered love, I'm sure you can relate to these lines:

"Even though I know what I'yard looking for/She'southward got a brick wall behind her door/I'd travel fourth dimension and confess to her/But I'm afraid she'd shoot the messenger."

"Excuse Me Mr." by No Doubt

Vocal year: 1996

Why do nosotros fall for the unavailable?

I don't take the answers.

But it could be because they've got something going for them.

In that location are plenty of great lines in this upbeat song, but these are probably my favorite:

"For most love comes for costless/They don't pay the high price/Of mental custody I'll pay bond for a guarantee/Delight make space for me in the fourth dimension yet to be."


"Leading Me On" by Harem Scarem

Song yr: 2005

This is by far my favorite song nigh heartbreak and unrequited beloved.

It'due south total of raw emotion, energy and fifty-fifty anger.

This is a great segment of lyrics to peruse:

"Talk is cheap/Flowing from the weak/You prevarication and deceive/But just when you lot speak."

Nobody likes to be led on and for better or for worse, information technology can go on for a long fourth dimension.

If someone has been leading you on, this is your tune.

"Teenage Dirtbag" by Wheatus

Song twelvemonth: 2000

Probably not the first song that comes to mind when you endeavour to brainstorm songs about one-sided dear.

If you know the song, so you probably know the lyrics already.

The theme of "teenage dirtbag" comes out and so strongly that sometimes information technology's like shooting fish in a barrel to overlook the dormant themes of unreciprocated love:

"Merely she doesn't know who I am/And she doesn't give a damn about me."

What sets this song apart, however, is that things turn out well for the protagonist, because the girl he likes is a "teenage dirtbag" too.

"Beyond Repair" by Harem Scarem

Song year: 2008

Another expertly written song about unrequited love via the Toronto melodic rock band Harem Scarem.

As with "Leading Me On", information technology'due south total of raw emotion.

The chorus says it all:

"But your silence/Is proverb everything/You're made of stone/And sinking beyond repair."

Nobody likes to be toyed with.

Nobody wants to lose their precious time to a relationship that's going nowhere.

You can hear and experience all these emotions in the interludes between the lyrics.

The Best Unrequited Love Songs, Terminal Thoughts

Songs about unrequited love

In my experience, at that place's nothing specially fun near unrequited honey.

I have a song called "Your Eyes Give It Abroad" that'southward essentially about this very topic.

Whether at that place's someone you beloved or someone that loves yous, it tin exist hard to discover completion in the situation.

But that's the nigh important affair – that you find completion.

You can't necessarily help the other person empathise what's important to them.

Only it is possible to become clear on your feelings.

And then, any situation you lot're facing right now, recollect that you don't need to live with these feelings forever.

If you want cheering upward and inspiration for finding the one, you should check out our list of best love songs here.

Every bit y'all'll run into, there's promise yet.

P.South. Remember though, none of what you've learned will affair if y'all don't know how to get your music out there and earn from information technology. Want to larn how to do that? Then get our free '5 Steps To Assisting Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed straight to y'all!


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